Soul Refresh Sessions

Free LIVE Mini Session
First Thursday of the month

Replays will be available on YouTube as well.

1 hour virtual ZOOM session
(attend live or grab the recording or both!)
Nourish your energy field to restore your balance & inner calm.

Utilize the synergistic magic of:
movement, breath, sound healing, music, guided meditation, and energy work.

Take a nourishing journey to your inner world to call in refreshing energy that suits your mind, body, and soul.

*see calendar below for session dates

You’ve been moving through life on autopilot—juggling responsibilities, caring for others, and tackling each new challenge as it arises.

Amidst the constant whirlwind, you may have lost touch with your inner center. Your energy feels scattered, your body tense, and your mind weighed down by a stream of stressful and self-defeating thoughts.

Now, imagine hitting pause. You take a deep breath, and as you exhale, the weight you’ve been carrying lifts, like dropping a heavy backpack. In this serene, dedicated space just for you, the noise of the outside world fades away, allowing you to simply be.

The relentless chatter in your mind quiets, your body starts to relax, and your energy begins to align with the rhythm of your soul.

You reconnect with the parts of yourself that have been craving your attention, rediscovering the flow that guides you back to a state of equilibrium.

This is what a Soul Refresh Session offers—a moment of pause with the potential for so much more.

In just one hour, you’ll be guided to reconnect with your inner self, releasing the stress, expectations, and mental clutter that have been weighing you down. You’ll tap into the part of you that knows how to flow, heal, and return to balance.

It’s not just about feeling relaxed for an hour.

This session clears the mental and emotional clutter that builds up in everyday life, allowing you to approach the world with greater clarity, energy, and presence.

It’s like tuning a finely crafted instrument, bringing every part of your inner world into harmony and balance.

And here’s the real magic: the calm and clarity you gain don’t just fade away afterward.

Your renewed sense of balance will carry forward into your work, your relationships, and your everyday life.

You’ll navigate challenges with more ease, feel more grounded in your decisions, and show up more fully as yourself.

If you’ve been feeling disconnected or overwhelmed, this is your chance to reset.

Take some space to recharge so you can move through life with greater clarity, confidence, and ease.